Should You go to Physical Therapy for TMJ Treatment?
When going through treatment for your TMJ, you learn up front it takes commitment from you to get the best results. You have a treatment plan that involves wearing orthotics, doing certain exercises, and maybe even seeing a physical therapist or chiropractor. It can be a great solution to go to physical therapy for TMJ treatment along with wearing your orthotics.
Why Physical Therapy?
Remember that when you are treating your TMJ you are being treated as a whole person, not just individual parts. While the orthotic works to move your jaw back in place, it doesn’t reset the rest of your body. You live your life through your face. The orthotic will be delivering function to your face, neck, and posture 5,000 times per day!
However, it is important to understand that physical therapy (PT) alone will not help cure your TMJ, but it is in tandem with treatment. Your doctor and therapist should be working together to address your postural concerns.
What to Expect
The muscles in your jaw have been in pain and dysfunctional for a long time, so it is important to increase blood flow to them through orthotic wear. This actually makes it easier to function with your orthotic, since the actions of the muscles decompress and lengthen when the orthotic is functioning, providing pain relief.
You should expect your doctor and your physical therapist to work together in developing a postural treatment plan for you.
Importance of Physical Therapy Along with TMJ Treatment
When receiving TMJ treatment, your doctor and physical therapist work together. Each one is aware of your progress because they communicate. Your physical therapist understands compensation patterns, which means the rest of your body is trying to overcorrect your forward head posture. This causes misalignment in the shoulders and hips, so your therapist will work with you to adjust your balance. Your providers’ familiarity with TMJ and the effects on your body help them give you the best treatment possible.
If you’d like to start treating your TMJ and aligning your whole body, turn to TMJ and Sleep Center in Middleton, WI. Dr. Insolera and his partners in and outside of the office will work with you to cure your TMJ and lead you to a pain-free life. Before you start, learn more about TMJ and its treatment from Dr. Insolera himself on his podcast.